Some of you back home may ask why Japan is known as the land of the rising sun? Well, while we can’t show you the sun in these pictures, trust me, its there hidden behind the fog and mist overhanging Utsunomiya this morning. The time that these pictures were taken? 4:45AM! And believe me, its been fully light for about 30-40 minutes. The sun really does come up just after 4am every day, even though no one sane is awake to see it. Special thanks goes out to the 2 crows hanging out on our deck, screaming and squawking, (maybe stealing a few socks off the line to pad their nest) thus providing me a great opportunity to explain this rising sun phenomena to you. The crows here are the size of buzzards, very smart, and very loud. Of course they moved along quickly after I got out of bed to greet them, so no pics, but perhaps some time in the future we will get some shots of these 2 early rising pricks and give them their own exclusive post here on the blog.