Trout Fishing the Yugawa River 湯川 日光

Today we went to the Yugawa river to try a bit of trout fishing. The Yugawa is a river running through Nikko that connects Yunoko and Chuzenji lakes and is the source of the Yudaki, Ryuzu, and Kegon Falls. It is a very scenic area, and the weather was great. I was pretty much skunked on the trout fishing, but my co-worker Brad being the fly fishing aficionado that he is at least managed to land 3 brook trout, one was actually decent sized at 9-10 inches. As the river is fairly close to here, I will have to go back and try it again, hopefully a little better prepared for the fishing at hand. We started the day fishing the river below the Yudaki Falls and after the fishing we took time to stop at the Kegon Falls to sight see and and take a few more photos.
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