It's Homo Sausage! ホモソーセージです!

Occasionally we like to showcase some of the unique food products and other items we find around Japan.
Today at our local grocery in the snack section we spotted this little treat called Homo Sausage. With a name like Homo we knew it could be a risky purchase. Checking the Kanji on the label indicated its main ingredient was some form of a fish byproduct. We bought a sample anyway and brought it home.
After having a sufficient qty. of drinks to get the nerve up to actually open the package and give it a try, we broke it open and sliced some up. It had a very benign appearance and in fact looked a bit like a little bologna roll. But, let me tell you what Oscar Meyer it was not. The stench of rotted fish goo(think Tsujiki fish auction on a 95 degree day) was so incredible we couldn't bring ourselves to ingest even a small piece for the benefit of our readers. As you can see in the final photo it was abruptly shoved into a Ziploc and put in the trash. I think with a name like Homo Sausage its safe to say you wont see this product marketed in any western countries anytime soon. As i type this a half hour later the shitty stank from that sausage is still deeply entrenched in our nostrils. If you visit Japan and have the hankering for a snack to go along with your cold beer, we suggest you avoid this product at all cost.
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