Day Trip to Ueno (Tokyo) 上野

Sunday Heather and I took a little day trip down to Ueno to visit Ueno Park, Ameyoko shopping district, and the Hard Rock Cafe for a little home cookin(Nachos and Cheeseburgers). Sorry, but the attached pictures dont really give a clue about the atmosphere of this older suburb in Tokyo. I guess we were focusing on relaxing a bit and really didnt take many cool pictures. Im sure we will be back there again, and if you were to visit Tokyo, it would likely be a stopping point in your travels.
Cool pics although when I click on them they get really big and don't fit in the screen.
You having been viewing our blog for a few months now, did this problem just happen with these pics? I checked them and they seem ok. I havent heard of any other people having this issue. The photo files are quite large. Can you tell me about the size of your monitor, what vido card and resolution you are using? If anyone else is having concerns veiwing our pics, please let us know. The other option is usually to view all of our photos in the yahoo link in the right column which iscurrently down as we move to another photo service. kevin
I guess I can view them in your link. Are you moving to Flickr?
I know from my experience with putting pictures on my blog that if the original picture was really large, then it was also large in Blogger when clicked on. When I resized the original picture and then saved it again on Blogger, then it would be viewed in a smaller size to fit the screen.
Maybe it's just me so you probably don't have to worry about it.
Yes we were planning to move to flicker but it has been 5 days and no action by them so maybe not!
I have moved one account from Yahoo to Flickr and it happened the same day. However, another account with alot more pics still has not shown up on Flickr and it has also been about 5 or 6 days.
Let us know the next time you are in Utsunomiya, maybe we can meet for a drink, we are always out on the weekends.
That sounds cool. Might be difficult for me though since usually the only time I visit Utsunomiya from Otawara is going to Bell Mall with my wife, 2 year old son and mother-in-law so probably would not be feasable but you never know. Thanks for the offer.
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